[videolib] "Dare to Compete" public performance for Interlibrary Loan DVD?
Katrina Smith
2018-11-19 21:17:50 UTC
I have a faculty member who is again searching for Dare to
Compete http://www.worldcat.org/title/dare-to-compete-the-struggle-of-women-in-sports/oclc/181741585

How can I decide if we can use this film for a public performance?

We once had this DVD but now it is out of print and HBO will not return any
communication. I believe we are able to use an ILL DVD. Is our college
responsible for securing the public performance license? I don't believe
that the license terms of the lending library will cover our college. With
the changing of hands, we've lost the license terms for our DVDs in
acquisitions so I cannot go back to see how much was paid and license

How can I secure a public performance when HBO does not respond?

Thank you so much!

Katrina Smith
Media Librarian, Santa Rosa Junior College
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